Design News
IE8 beta available for download now
For MS: "Internet Explorer 8 can be installed on Microsoft Windows Vista Service Pack 1 (SP1), Windows Vista, Windows XP Service Pack 2 (SP2), Windows Server 2008 and Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 2 (SP2)."
45+ Fresh Out of the oven jQuery Plugins
Introducing more than 45 awesome jquery plugins that were recently created.
Creating a flash like banner effect
How to create a flash like hover effect for your banner using CSS and jQuery.
Quicker DOM Traversing with CSS Selectors
Safari WebKit and the upcoming IE8 both support DOM traversal using CSS selector style syntax. A quick look at just what this is.
IE8 Readiness Toolkit
With IE8 coming in the not so distant future, Microsoft describes what's new for developers in this Readiness page.
Blog Headers For Free Download
Smashing Magazine posted a list of 45 beautiful blog header designs you can use for free.
Design is in the Details
A great article posted by Naz Hamid over at A List Apart provides you with a checklist to make the designs you create shine.
mooSlide - ajax based slider - lightbox replacement
mooSlideBox v3 is a small and slim ajax based extension or replacement of the common "lightbox".